Report Preview
This report provides an overview of the language access activities that have taken place in San Francisco over the past fiscal year . This includes City departments ’ self-reported compliance data , activities conducted by language access community grantees , and related accessibility efforts such as the adoption and phased implementation of the City ’ s Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard . This report also includes recommendations on ways the City can improve the accessibility of Department programs and services , along with tools and resources to support Departments in their compliance work .
During the last fiscal year ( July 1 , 2021 - June 30 , 2022 ), Departments continued responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and adapting to hybrid remote / in-person services . After increases in Limited English Proficient ( LEP ) client interactions and translated materials during Fiscal Year ( FY ) 2020-2021 , Department compliance data this year showed various changes in LEP client interactions and an overall decrease in translated materials . Telephonic interpretations also decreased , but in-person interpretations increased by 153 % since the previous fiscal year . Though the previous four years have shown a declining trend in the number of bilingual employees Citywide , the past year ’ s data reflected a modest increase of 124 bilingual employees . Data from the past year also showed an overall increase in City budgeting expenditures for language services .
In addition to Departments ’ efforts , language access community grantees are vital partners in building language access capacity , services , and justice in San Francisco . Since 2012 , OCEIA has provided grants to community-based organizations that work directly with LEP community members in San Francisco . Through these grants , community-based organizations educate community members about language rights , conduct translation and interpretation projects , organize events and workshops ,
8 conduct spot checks of City services and departments , assist community
A spot check is a process through which individuals evaluate the language accessibility of Department programs , services , and information . They do this by navigating through City information systems and seeking services from Department offices in non-English languages as an LEP community member seeking services would .