MR . GREGORY A . ANDERSON of Middletown , Maryland claims to have been born in a whelping box . At an early age , he realized a love for the dog show world and the artistry and talent of the breeders and handlers . His parents , Carl and Rosalie Anderson bred and showed top winning Cocker Spaniels in the 1950s and 1960s . Mr . Anderson followed in their footsteps and enjoyed a 20- year career as a professional handler .
He has handled the top Cocker Spaniels in the breed ’ s history winning countless specialty titles , All-Breed group placements and Best in Show wins and is forever thankful to those breeders and owners for giving him the chance to show such quality animals .
Like his parents , his interests eventually turned to judging . He was approved to judge the Sporting group by the age of 35 . Having been a judge for more than 20 years , he has traveled the country and abroad to adjudicate national shows and teach seminars on Sporting breeds . Mr . Anderson is approved to judge the Sporting group , Best in Show , and Junior Showmanship . This is his first judging assignment at Westminster .
MR . EDD E . BIVIN of Fort Worth , Texas acquired his first purebred dog , a Pomeranian , at 12-years-old . She became the foundation of a breeding program that led to his further breeding and exhibiting top-winning Pomeranians . Mr . Bivin first judged toy dogs at match shows when he was 15-years-old . He was approved by AKC to judge Pomeranians in 1961 . He and his wife Irene enjoyed the breeding and exhibiting of Doberman Pinschers and Dachshunds during her lifetime . Mr . Bivin is approved to judge all Sporting , Working , Terrier , Toy , and Non-Sporting groups , as well as several Herding and Hound breeds , Junior showmanship , and Best in Show . He has judged many national specialty shows of various breeds . Mr . Bivin has judged many all-breed and specialty dog shows in the United States and abroad . He judged Best in Show at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1999 . This is his twenty-third judging assignment at Westminster , tying the record for most judging assignments at WKC held by Mrs . James Edward Clark .
MS . BERGIT COADY-KABEL of Indio , California started in dogs as a young girl in Hamburg , Germany . She trained for three years at Reanda , a Scottish Terrier Kennel in England , where she met Betty Malinka from Gary , Indiana , of Sandoone Scottish Terriers . Ms . Malinka sponsored her , and her experience in the United States began soon after . After moving to California , she specialized in Terrier breeds . She traveled extensively , handling many dogs to their AKC championships and campaigning many excellent dogs . The very best dogs would travel to New York for the Westminster Kennel Club dog show as it was the dream of most of her clients . Ms . Coady-Kabel ’ s successes at Westminster include Best of Breed and Terrier group placement wins . In 2012 she was awarded Professional Handler of the Year by Dogs in Review but in 2016 had to retire from handling due to health issues . Ms . Coady-Kabel is approved to judge numerous terrier breeds and Junior Showmanship . This is her first judging assignment at Westminster .
MR . THOMAS W . COEN of Great Barrington , Massachusetts became interested in the world of purebred dogs at the age of twelve and whelped his first Shetland Sheepdog litter in 1964 while still in high school on Long Island , New York . Over the past five decades of breeding Shetland Sheepdogs , Madega has bred or owned seven National Specialty Best of Breed winners , eight All-Breed Best in Show winners , and more than twenty Register of Merit producers , including the breed ’ s All-Time Top Sire . After graduating from college , Mr . Coen taught art on the Junior High level outside of Woodstock , New York . In 1970 he obtained his handler ’ s license , and that was the beginning of an exciting career that spanned thirty years . In 2000 , he retired from handling and received his AKC judging license . He is approved to judge the Herding group , Dachshunds , and Best in Show . Mr . Coen has had the honor of judging Best of Breed at the Collie National , the Australian Shepherd National , and twice at the Shetland Sheepdog National . His assignments and his “ Quest For Quality ” seminar have taken him to Canada , Japan , China , Denmark , Norway , and Brazil . This is his second judging assignment at Westminster .
WESTMINSTER There ’ s only one ® 29