2021 Winter Edition | Page 36

P a ge 36 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1

Stand-Down Devotion , continued By Victoria A . Remo , FSO-PB , 053-21-04 oney

While Division Commander Terry Hilbert and Flotilla Commander Walt Conway worked to keep the members informed and encouraged their participation , they also conducted division and flotilla meetings online when possible . In addition , Walt Conway called members during the pandemic to be sure that everyone was well . Jim White , our Vice Flotilla Commander and ADSO-AuxScout-W , also called members to check on wellness and helped organize the new AuxScout Program , which resulted from an agreement between the Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Boy Scouts of America . This pact made the Boy Scouts Sea Scouts the official youth program of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and gives Sea Scouts an opportunity to benefit from Coast Guard seamanship and training .
Throughout the Covid19 Period , staff officers remained engaged . Walt Conway , FSO-CS , faithfully updated the web page and flotilla Facebook page . Mike McElwee , FSO-DV , posted diversity-related topics on social media , began the application for the 2019 NACO Three-star Award , and discussed diversity options with SO-DV . Carolyn McElwee , FSO-FN , maintained monthly financial activity and reports in her professional and meticulous manner . She mailed dues reminders in October and will follow up with non-responsive members . Mike McElwee , FSO-HR , devotedly submitted paperwork for three new members and recommended “ Introduction to Risk Management ” for all new members and reminded us that the mandated training requirement “ Influenza ” must be completed . In addition , Mike reviewed the need for an Elections Screening Committee and volunteered to chair the committee . Walt Conway , FSO-IS , diligently updated member information and , along with Bill Lewullis , ADSO- IS-W , punctually disseminated information concerning AuxData II to flotilla members .
In August , Bill Lewullis received an Award for Superior Performance in Information Services . James Wilhelm , FSO-MA , continued loyally to supply members with necessary materials . Chris Schretzenmaier , FSO-MS , constantly posted most interesting marine information on Facebook . Peter Overcast , FSO-MT , resumed Member Training in May and encouraged all to do online training during the quarantine . Peter covered topics like “ Summertime Tips ,” “ Man Overboard ,” “ Available Jobs that Auxiliary Does to Help Coast Guard ,” and “ Conducting Vessel Exams .” He offered members help to get started with online menu navigation . Lynda Haring , FSO-NS , during the tabled-operations period , was invited to attend the annual Chaplain Support Training Session , an interdistrict training and fellowship assembly for certified chaplains who support gold-side chaplains . This conference included members from Districts 5 and 7 and was held at Coast Guard Station Portsmouth , Virginia , on August 24th , with masks and social distancing required . Walt Alsegg , FSO-OP , conducted four sessions of online crew classes for Division 21 and attended the National QE online workshop . In August he reported that the call sign for the donated operational facility that he helped equip is “ 181001 ” and reported that the Army Corps is allowing us to store the boat at Blue Marsh Lake for the winter to save us storage fees . Mike McElwee , FSO-PA , continued with plans for Reading Air Show and World War II Weekend at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum , Get Outdoors Day at Blue Marsh Lake , and Armed Forces Day Parade in West Reading , until public events were canceled .
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