P a ge 35 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
Stand-Down Devotion , continued By Victoria A . Remo , FSO-PB , 053-21-04
Also , during the Covid19 Stand-down , Barron Batchelder conducted online training of two 2 and 1 / 2 hour courses in Risk Management using GoToMeeting and Zoom . The first session covered the Risk Management Model , TCT , Risk + Factors + Mitigation + Outcome . The second session included Scenario Analysis and Discussion , using Zoom . Even though surface operations were not conducted at Blue Marsh Lake , our coxswains and crew were ready . Semper Paratus . In addition , as past division commander and immediate past flotilla commander , Barron consulted with current elected and appointed officers to discuss policy issues and best practices . In August , Barron received an Award for Superior Performance as an Instructor .
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