P a ge 34 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1
Stand-Down Devotion , continued By Victoria A . Remo , FSO-PB , 053-21-04 oney
Thus ended Pre-Covid19 , and the Covid-19 Pandemic began . Even though Flotilla 21-04 received orders to stand down during the state and district lock-downs , our devoted auxiliary members continued to show their steadfast enthusiasm for and continued service to the Coast Guard during isolation and social distancing . Walt Conway , with the assistance of Walt Alsegg , learned how to use GoToMeeting software and explained how to use it to the members . Beginning in April , already , Walt called a GoToMeeting for the flotilla , and 20 members attended . Thanks to Walt , our flotilla hit the Covid-ground running . The staff officers continued their reporting and preparation for postponed missions .
The Reading Flotilla Training Base donated the use of their boat as an OpFac to be used on Blue Marsh Lake with the permission of the Army Corps of Engineers who agreed to store the boat until the next season of surface operations .
Continued on the next page ….