2021 Winter Edition | Page 37

P a ge 37 t opside V olume 79 , I s s u e 1

Stand-Down Devotion , continued By Victoria A . Remo , FSO-PB , 053-21-04 oney

In August Mike reported that with special approval from DIRAUX , Jim White sounded “ Taps ” on his bugle at the service for the Butterweck Detachment of the Marine Corps League for its memorial service on July 19th at 0900 at the Pleasant View Cemetery on Fritztown Road . Vickie Remo , FSO-PB , communicated with Sharlene Deleva , SO-PB , to co-ordinate unit objectives and planned an article for Topside . As FSO-SR , she dutifully recorded and dispensed the minutes of each monthly , online meeting . In August Vickie and Frank Scudner received certificates for Fifteen Years of Dedicated Service to the Auxiliary . Barry McElwee , FSO-PE , worked diligently to get one instructor qualified or removed , put on hold a well-planned ABS course until our active status returns , and took phone calls from those interested in taking an ABS course . Jim White , FSO-PV , reported 53 visitations before the implementation of stand-down status . Bonnie Duffin , FSO-Special Projects , in co-ordination with Public Affairs , postponed activities . Terry Hilbert , Division Commander and FSO-VE , reported 16 vessel exams performed before stand-down . Other dedicated members who are not flotilla staff officers but buoy the officers with their active participation at meetings include Jon Geirsson , Bob Walley , Joe Urban , Neil Haring , Al Vega , Dick Miller , Frank Scudner , Bennett and Robin Rosenberg , and Adriana Vega . Some of these devoted members donated money toward the purchase of the GoToMeeting software used for the monthly flotilla meetings during Covid19 , and we are so appreciative of their on-going commitment and generosity to our division and flotilla . If it were not for our online meetings , we could not have continued our significant activities and would not be able to hold elections . Mike McElwee , Chair of the Screening Committee , received Letters of Intent from Walter Conway for Flotilla Commander and James White for Vice Flotilla Commander . On 16 November 20 , Walt Conway was elected Flotilla Commander , and Jim White was elected Vice Flotilla Commander for 2021 . We congratulate our inspiring elected officers and look forward to their leadership in 2021 .
Commitment , generosity , devotion to duty , information , instruction , flexibility , honor , enthusiasm , preparation , superior performance , best practices , confidence , optimism , experience , certification , appreciation , co-ordination , diligence , encouragement , and dedication are just a few descriptions of Flotilla 21-04 , Division 21 , Fifth Northern Coast Guard District , and its members ’ industry in the face of adversity . We fervently await the next challenges .