2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 56

9 . Please rate each of the following aspects of your SUPERVISOR ’ S performance .
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don ’ t know
Communicating information in a timely manner Welcoming employee involvement in decision-making Encouraging an environment where employees feel comfortable to raise issues and concerns that are important to them Encouraging employees to come up with innovative solutions to problems Encouraging employees to use their own judgment to get the job done Promoting a positive working relationship among work group members Fostering an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence Treating employees with respect Valuing employees from diverse backgrounds Treating all employees fairly Providing specific , constructive feedback that helps improve employee performance Communicating expectations of employees Working together with employees to set goals Recognizing high-performing employees Providing recognition for doing good work Applying discipline fairly and consistently Managing low-performing employees Providing opportunities for employees to learn and grow Coaching or mentoring employees
10 . Please rate your overall level of confidence in the leadership of :
Very confident Moderately Confident Slightly Confident Not Confident Don ' t know
Your supervisor Senior staff / Leadership Council / elected officials
11 . Please rate the QUALITY of each of the following support services in Port St Lucie . Excellent
Don ’ t know
Custodial cleaning services Maintenance and repair services Facilities management services overall Fleet maintenance services overall Recruitment services Benefits administration Training services Human resources services overall Radio systems Telephone systems Network services Application services Desktop / Help Desk services General information technology ( IT ) services overall Purchasing services overall Finance services overall
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