2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 57

Risk management services overall Overall City internal services Procurement services Communication services Budget services overall
12 . Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for :
Very welcoming Welcoming Somewhat welcoming Not welcoming Don ’ t know
People with disabilities People who identify as lesbian , gay , bisexual , or other non-straight sexual identities People who identify as transgender Men Women People who are Arabic or Middle Eastern People who are Asian , Asian Indian or Pacific Islander People who are Black or African American People who are Hispanic People who are American Indian or Alaskan Native People who are White People whose first language is not English People who are not U . S . citizens People of Christian faith People of Islamic faith People of Jewish faith People of other faiths People who are agnostic or atheist People who are liberal People who are conservative People who are veterans or military personnel People who are older People who are younger People who are of lower income
13 . The city is working to build a strong innovation program and offers innovation training open to all city employees . Please advise what is important to you as we continue to design this program to serve you . Very Somewhat Not Don ’ t Important Important Important know
Allowance for dedicated work time to work on innovative solutions Additional Training on innovation process improvement Additional coaching and support Awards and recognition for innovation Opportunities to collaborate with other team members on innovation Support for testing new ideas , even if they may not immediately produce results Offering virtual on demand training Offering in person training
The National Employee Survey™ • © 2009-2022 National Research Center , Inc . 4