2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 55

6 . As an employee of City of Port St Lucie , how would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don ’ t know Availability of necessary materials , resources and equipment to do the job effectively Providing individual and group work spaces to do the job effectively Access to technology that helps employees do their job effectively Compensation ( salary , benefits and incentives / bonuses ) compared with similar opportunities Benefits overall ( vacation , sick leave , health care , retirement plan , etc .) Work-life balance Work schedule flexibility Maintaining a work environment that is free of violence or harassment Maintaining a work environment that is free of drug or alcohol abuse Protecting employees from health and safety hazards on the job Providing a clear vision for our organization Communicating information that helps employees understand the problems and issues facing the City Speed of response to important issues or change Collaboration between departments ( e . g ., transportation , planning , etc .) Openness to new ideas and initiatives Valuing creativity Making all employees feel welcome Helping new employees feel connected and integrated Fostering a respectful atmosphere
7 . How would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ? Excellent
Don ’ t know
Demonstrating respect for employees of different cultures and belief systems Respecting individual cultural beliefs and values Attracting employees from diverse backgrounds Recruiting diverse people into positions of organizational leadership Promoting workplace diversity Applying policies and procedures equally to all employees Providing equal employment opportunities to employees of all backgrounds Providing a safe and secure environment for employees of all backgrounds Clarity of staff roles and responsibilities Accuracy of performance evaluations Connection between compensation and performance Showing employee appreciation Supporting continual learning and development Availability of opportunities for employees to develop knowledge and skills Opportunities to develop a career path The overall skill set of staff The work being done at the City of Port St Lucie overall
8 . Please rate each of the following aspects of your WORK GROUP .
Communication among all staff in my work group The working relationships in my work group Collaboration among all staff in my work group Overall staff morale in my work group Effectiveness of meetings in my work group The quality of work being done in my work group
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don ’ t know
The National Employee Survey™ • © 2009-2022 National Research Center , Inc . 2