2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 54

City of Port St Lucie Employee Survey

City of Port St Lucie Employee Survey

This survey is to be completed by the City of Port St Lucie employee who received an invitation . Your responses will be kept anonymous and no identifying information will be shared .
[ Please note that this survey is online only and will be formatted for online administration . The loose formatting here is meant to provide you with a sense of what the survey will look like online .]
1 . Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Port St Lucie . Excellent
Don ’ t know
Port St Lucie as a place to live Port St Lucie as a place to work The overall quality of life in Port St Lucie
2 . How likely or unlikely are you to recommend LIVING in Port St Lucie to someone who asks ? Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don ’ t know
3 . Please rate the following categories of Port St Lucie government performance . Excellent
Don ’ t know
The overall direction that Port St Lucie is taking Generally acting in the best interest of the community Overall confidence in Port St Lucie government The overall quality of the services provided by the City of Port St Lucie
4 . Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about your job working for the City of Port St Lucie .
Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don ’ t agree agree disagree disagree know
Overall , I am satisfied with my job I plan on working for this organization a year from now I see a career path for me at City of Port St Lucie I gain satisfaction from my current job responsibilities I feel positively challenged in my current job I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day at work My values match or fit with the values of this organization I have good friends at work Overall , I feel positive about working for the City of Port St Lucie The mission and vision of the City of Port St Lucie make me feel my job is important
5 . How likely or unlikely are you to recommend WORKING FOR the City of Port St Lucie to someone who asks ? Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don ’ t know
The National Employee Survey™ • © 2009-2022 National Research Center , Inc . 1