2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 53

Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for :
People who are Black or African American
94 %
93 %
91 %
People who are Hispanic
94 %
93 %
92 %
People who are American Indian or Alaskan Native
95 %
92 %
92 %
People who are White
95 %
95 %
92 %
People whose first language is not English
90 %
87 %
83 %
People who are not U . S . citizens
89 %
86 %
81 %
People of Christian faith
93 %
94 %
91 %
People of Islamic faith
91 %
87 %
86 %
People of Jewish faith
92 %
89 %
91 %
People of other faiths
93 %
92 %
90 %
People who are agnostic or atheist
91 %
89 %
88 %
People who are liberal
92 %
87 %
79 %
People who are conservative
93 %
89 %
89 %
People who are veterans or military personnel
95 %
94 %
93 %
People who are older
93 %
90 %
89 %
People who are younger
91 %
88 %
86 %
People who are of lower income 88 % 84 % 77 %