2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 52

Please rate the QUALITY of each of the following support services in Port St . Lucie .
Training services
65 %
75 %
80 %
75 %
Human resources services overall
65 %
72 %
77 %
79 %
Radio systems
78 %
85 %
78 %
Telephone systems
83 %
83 %
83 %
Network services
80 %
77 %
76 %
Application services
83 %
81 %
78 %
Desktop / Help Desk services
88 %
89 %
81 %
General information technology ( IT ) services overall
85 %
87 %
87 %
80 %
Purchasing services overall
72 %
83 %
81 %
78 %
Finance services overall
69 %
78 %
81 %
81 %
Risk management services overall
82 %
81 %
82 %
82 %
Overall City internal services
76 %
81 %
84 %
81 %
Please rate how welcoming the City of Port St Lucie is for :
People with disabilities
93 %
94 %
84 %
People who identify as lesbian , gay , bisexual , or other non-straight sexual identities
91 %
89 %
82 %
People who identify as transgender
89 %
87 %
78 %
96 %
93 %
92 %
94 %
93 %
91 %
People who are Arabic or Middle Eastern
93 %
88 %
89 %
People who are Asian , Asian Indian or Pacific Islander
95 %
90 %
91 %