2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 15

Employee Development
The development of human capital requires investment in performance evaluation and professional development as well as supporting employees as they seek to meet new challenges and career opportunities .
How would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ? (% excellent or good )
Clarity of staff roles and responsibilities
2016 2018 2020 2022
65 % 71 % 75 %
67 %
Similar ( vs . benchmark *)
Accuracy of performance evaluations
65 % 72 % 74 %
68 %
Connection between compensation and performance
54 %
55 %
50 %
Showing employee appreciation
51 %
63 %
64 %
60 %
Supporting continual learning and development
65 % 74 % 74 %
73 %
Availability of opportunities for employees to develop knowledge and skills
60 %
71 % 72 %
73 %
Opportunities to develop a career path
48 %
67 %
69 %
68 %
The overall skill set of staff
75 % 78 % 76 %
82 % Similar
Please rate each of the following aspects of your SUPERVISOR ' S performance . (% excellent or good )
Providing specific , constructive feedback that helps improve employee performance
Communicating expectations of employees
2016 2018 2020 2022 67 % 79 % 78 %
78 %
76 %
68 % 80 % 79 % Higher
Working together with employees to set goals
67 % 75 76 % %
75 %