2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 14

Please rate each of the following aspects of your WORK GROUP . (% excellent or good )
Communication among all staff in my work group
2016 2018 2020 2022 73 %
79 % 77 %
75 %
The working relationships in my work group
82 %
84 % 82 % 81 %
Collaboration among all staff in my work group
76 % 82 % 81 % 80 %
Overall staff morale in my work group
67 % 73 % 74 %
70 %
Effectiveness of meetings in my work group
54 %
76 %
72 %
75 %
* The percentage of positive responses is shown . Positive responses may differ by question ( e . g . " excellent " or " good ", " very likely " or " somewhat likely "). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown . If no comparison is available , this is left blank .