2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 13

Organizational Climate
Organizational climate is a set of policies , strategies , and behaviors that form the primary colors that paint the everyday experience of employees in the workplace . From providing clear communications to encouraging innovation , the quality of these practices directly affects staff morale and engagement .
As an employee of City of Port St . Lucie , how would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ? (% excellent or good )
Providing a clear vision for our organization
2016 2018 2020 2022 82 % 79 %
80 % Higher ( vs . benchmark *)
Communicating information that helps employees understand the problems and issues facing the City
Speed of response to important issues or change
54 %
67 %
70 %
64 %
50 %
70 %
66 %
65 %
Collaboration between departments ( e . g ., transportation , planning , etc .)
Openness to new ideas and initiatives
Valuing creativity
62 % 63 % 59 %
63 %
66 % 64 %
66 %
67 % 66 % Similar
Please rate each of the following aspects of your SUPERVISOR ' S performance . (% excellent or good )
Communicating information in a timely manner
2016 2018 2020 2022
81 % 81 %
77 %
57 % Higher
Welcoming employee involvement in decision-making
63 % 78 %
75 %
77 %
Encouraging an environment where employees feel comfortable to raise issues and concerns that are important to them
76 %
73 %
78 %
Encouraging employees to come up with innovative solutions to problems
54 %
79 %
77 %
78 %
Encouraging employees to use their own judgment to get the job done
82 %
78 %
81 %