2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 12

Foundational to employee engagement are having a safe work environment , the resources needed to do a good job , and receiving compensation commensurate with work accomplished .
As an employee of City of Port St . Lucie , how would you rate the job the organization does at each of the following ? (% excellent or good )
Availability of necessary materials , resources and equipment to do the job effectively
2016 2018 2020 2022 82 %
84 %
73 %
80 %
( vs . benchmark *)
Providing individual and group work spaces to do the job effectively
67 %
79 %
80 %
74 %
Access to technology that helps employees do their job effectively
80 %
84 %
78 %
Compensation ( salary , benefits and incentives / bonuses ) compared with similar opportunities
49 %
59 %
61 %
53 %
Benefits overall ( vacation , sick leave , health care , retirement plan , etc .)
84 % 84 % 79 %
77 % Higher
Work-life balance
67 %
77 % 75 % 74 %
Work schedule flexibility
62 %
80 %
75 %
74 %
Maintaining a work environment that is free of violence or harassment
82 %
87 %
87 %
86 %
Maintaining a work environment that is free of drug or alcohol abuse
Protecting employees from health and safety hazards on the job
94 %
97 % 96 % 96 %
88 %
88 % 86 % Higher
* The percentage of positive responses is shown . Positive responses may differ by question ( e . g . " excellent " or " good ", " very likely " or " somewhat likely "). ** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown . If no comparison is available , this is left blank .