2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 11

I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day at work
84 %
85 %
84 %
82 %
My values match or fit with the values of this organization
91 % 90 % 88 %
90 % Higher
I have good friends at work
87 %
88 %
89 %
89 %
Overall , I feel positive about working for the City of Port St . Lucie
89 % 89 % 89 % 91 %
The mission and vision of the City of Port St . Lucie make me feel my job is important
81 %
85 %
87 %
85 %
* A statistical technique called Key Driver Analysis was used to identify the key organizational characteristics most closely associated with employee ratings of job satisfaction and engagement . This technique is used widely in the private sector to help organizations prioritize which aspects of a service are more likely to influence loyalty and overall satisfaction . The Key Driver Analysis was based on both linear and multivariate modeling techniques using an index of employee engagement . ** The percentage of positive responses is shown . Positive responses may differ by question ( e . g . " excellent " or " good ", " very likely " or " somewhat likely "). *** Comparison to the national benchmark is shown . If no comparison is available , this is left blank .