2021 National Employee Survey Report | Page 10

Employee Engagement
An organization of engaged employees is one where employees feel motivated to do their best possible work and where they hope to continue working in years to come . To impact employee engagement , an organization typically will want to see which of the other aspects of organizational climate were most influential on their engagement ratings . For employees of the City of Port St . Lucie , the key organizational characteristics found to be most closely correlated * with employee ratings of engagement were :
Overall , I am satisfied with my job
Strongly disagree Somewhat 5 % disagree 9 %
Somewhat agree 35 %
Strongly agree 51 %
- Applying discipline fairly and consistently - Senior staff / Leadership - Protecting employees from health and safety hazards on the job - Communication among all staff in my work group
All of these key drivers were higher than the benchmark comparison . To impact employee engagement , an organization typically will want to consider improvements to any key features that were not higher than the benchmark .
How likely or unlikely are you to recommend WORKING FOR the City of Port St . Lucie to someone who asks ? (% excellent or good )
How likely or unlikely are you to recommend WORKING FOR the City of Port St . Lucie to someone who asks ?
89 %
91 %
90 %
88 %
( vs . benchmark **)
Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about your job working for the City of Port St . Lucie . (% excellent or good )
Overall , I am satisfied with my job
2016 2018 2020 2022 87 %
90 % 88 %
86 %
I plan on working for this organization a year from now
94 %
95 % 95 % 92 %
I see a career path for me at City of Port St . Lucie
84 %
84 %
86 %
I gain satisfaction from my current job responsibilities
91 %
89 %
86 %
87 %
I feel positively challenged in my current job
88 %
88 %
83 %
87 %