2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 71

Greenpeace argue that the only “ cost-effective and actually deliverable ” way is to “ roll out renewables ”, in particular wind and solar .
Applying Rodriguez and Dimitrova ’ s model , we can see that the photograph features five wind turbines that make up “ Thanet Offshore Wind Farm ”, “ located off the coast of Thanet district in Kent , England ” ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 4 ). In terms of the stylist-semiotic systems employed , photographer Will Rose , has used a long shot ; enabling all five wind turbines to be captured as well as the surrounding environment ; the cloudy , pale blue sky ; and the darker blue surface of the sea . In conative terms , the image signifies renewable energy sources and investment in renewable energy futures .
This relates to the visual ’ s ideological representations , i . e . the interests being served by these interpretations and the voices being heard . In this report , it is Greenpeace ’ s voice being heard ; their demands for Government action to combat the climate crisis ; their various procedures laid out in their roadmap ; and their goal of raising public consciousness and promoting self-efficacy , i . e . making people feel they can do something about climate change ( O ' Neill , et al ., 2013 , p . 419 ). It has been found that images depicting energy futures , such as wind farms , are efficacious and promote such feelings of self-efficacy ( O ' Neill , et al ., 2013 , pp . 418-419 ). It is crucial that Greenpeace support their report with images that promote their desired goal of self-efficacy as they do not want Government or the public to feel helpless , overwhelmed or a “ drop in the ocean ” as this could have the opposite effect and deter from positive change and personal action .
Additionally , this visual may have been used to simultaneously combat discourse surrounding wind turbines being unattractive and spoiling the countryside or sea views . In an opinion piece for
SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 2021 / 2022
The Guardian , Ketan Joshi ( 2017 ) recalls Joe Hockey ’ s and former Australian prime minister , Tony Abbott , famously referring to wind turbines “ utterly offensive ” and “ visually awful ”. In Rose ’ s image , the wind farm mostly blends in with the surrounding environment ; it reflects the pale sea skyline and looks quite aesthetically pleasing ; almost statuesque ; even elegant .
Constrain demand for aviation and shipping and reduce their carbon footprints Step ten of the roadmap calls for Government to “ constrain demand for aviation and shipping and reduce their carbon footprints ” ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 21 ). Here , Greenpeace acknowledge the complexity of the situation - both the shipping and aviation sector are governed by international agencies rather than national governments – therefore , making it difficult for agreements to be made . However , Greenpeace still hold these agencies accountable , highlighting that they have been historically lackluster in tackling their carbon footprint ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 21 ).
One of the criteria Greenpeace demand Government meet is the banning all new UK runways ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 21 ). To illustrate this , as well as their wider standpoint , Greenpeace include an image of their own activists “ on top of a Manchester – London plane after it parked at London Heathrow Airport ’ s Terminal One . In the photograph , Greenpeace activists “ cover the tailfin with a banner that reads “ CLIMATE EMERGENCY NO 3rd RUNWAY ” in protest against the airport expansion for short haul flights .” ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 22 ). As for the image ’ s stylistic conventions , Nick Cobbing uses a long shot which allows us to see the subjects , as well as some of the surrounding environment . The protestors take up an off-