2021-22 SotA Anthology 2021-22 | Page 70


How Government Should Address the Climate Emergency - Greenpeace UK

Introduction My case study is a report by Greenpeace UK published in 2019 . As its title suggests , the report outlines how Government should address the current climate change emergency . Greenpeace demands that Government act now , and fast , with a broad-based approach that would see our electricity , transport and heating systems brought into the 21st century through using clean , renewable energy sources ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 1 )
To achieve this , Greenpeace UK provide an eleven step roadmap accompanied by images depicting climate change solutions . Greenpeace argue that these actions need to “ underpinned by a legislative framework ” and that such measures could be used as an indicator of whether Government are taking the appropriate steps in tackling the climate emergency ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 3 ).
Analytical framework In order to conduct a systematic , critical and theory-driven analysis , I will approach the report with a clear analytical framework . I carried out a small literature review , examining relevant research by O ’ Neill et al ( 2013 ), O ’ Neill and Smith ( 2014 ) and Doyle ( 2007 ). I also looked at van Beek et al and Rodriguez and Dimitrova ( 2013 ). I found that the majority of the studies analysed climate change imagery using fairly similar approaches . For example , O ’ Neill and Smith ( 2014 ) identify “ three moments ” for climate visuals : production , visual text and consumption ( O ’ Neill and
Smith , 2014 ). Rodriguez and Dimitrova ( 2011 , p . 48 ) propose a “ four-tiered model ”: analysing images ’ denotative systems , stylistic-semiotic systems and connotative systems as well as the ideological representations . Furthermore , van Beek et al ( 2020 ) incorporate Rodriguez and Dimitrova ’ s model in their own analytical framework .
I will be applying Rodriguez and Dimitrova ’ s model as the basis of my analytical framework . For each image I will analyse who or what is depicted in an image , the stylistic conventions and design choices made , what the image signifies and alludes to and then interpret what all this means in ideological terms . I will also bring in the findings from O ’ Neill et al ( 2013 ) and Doyle ( 2007 ) when relevant .
Analysis Triple renewable power from wind & solar by 2030 Figure 1 is featured alongside the second step of Greenpeace ’ s roadmap which demands Governments ‘ triple renewable power from wind and solar by 2030 ’ ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 4 ). Greenpeace argue the next decade is crucial for UK carbon reductions across every sector of the economy . They claim that this needs to be spearheaded by the electricity sector which needs to “ almost totally decarbonise ” ( Greenpeace UK , 2019 , p . 4 ). Furthermore , Figure 1- Thanet Wind Farm