2020 | Page 91

Nature and Social Concern Society 91

Nature reflects our nature k | ltlaDa

it and nature has now become a luxury . Humans have become so incautious to her that she is now in desperate need of protection . Even the air that we breathe , the water that we drink , and the essentials of our life are not safe for us anymore . Human beings have thought of Mother Nature as their possession while destroying the environment for other creations of nature . Climate change and deforestation have become severe leading to the destruction of the natural habitat of various creatures and eventually to their extinction . Mother Nature has been providing life to all the beings and the same beings are now making her almost lifeless .
The most enthralling attribute that human beings hold is their endurance to pain . Nature has given human beings the same power of endurance as her and the same ability to heal as her . Human beings survive through the kind of pain that feels unimaginable before that moment . Human beings live through the most dreadful experiences in life and have come out through it . Nature has bestowed human beings with the strength to endure but also confront the obstacles when essential , just like she does . Mother Nature has protected herself every time with all her might . She has endured all kinds of pain that humans have caused her , upheld , and healed through it .
There is still more for humans to learn from nature . Human beings should be more loyal and kind to each other and nature . Human beings should be grateful and express their gratification just like they do to each other and Mother Nature does to us . The etiquettes that humans have adapted from Mother Nature shouldn ’ t be forgotten or it will be late to the point where she proclaims human behavior .
Simran Pandey Sitapaila

Would going back to the day-to-day normal life be easy ?

While the whole world mourns for the millions of people who lost their lives to this pandemic that spread widely on very first or second weeks of it being seen , I have been questioning if this social distancing , even though effective for flattening the curve of a viral outbreak , is really keeping people out of danger . Through numerous approaches and science , the virus has been known and since the genetic material found in the particular species of it , namely SARS-CoV-2 , matches 96 % to the one found in bat some years earlier and named as batcoronavirusRaTG13 , scientists areinclined to believe it was the initially discovered virus which mutated genetically , through the medium of hosts or by some other factors .
This virus has affected people socially , psychologically , and particularly has changed the way we have been going on and about our day to day lives , not pondering about how mundane things that we do to pass our day , or earn our living , are essential for our wellbeing . While some of us stay at our homes , eating good food and doing things that we love to do , it might be hard for the people whose household environment has been making them more prone to the mental illness or such , even harder for the local businessmen who totally relied in their day to day profit as their only source of income or the ones who have no home or place to turn in to . The SARS-CoV-2 ( COVID-19 ) is one of the youngest of the family of coronaviruses , which has about seven viruses in totality , and since it could be spread easily , with or without any symptoms shown on the carrier , it has deemed to be dangerous . For the above reasons , the lockdown has been implemented , to minimize the direct transfer of the virus and to delay the pandemic until the vaccination is found .

Nature and Social Concern Society 91