2020 | Page 90

90 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
administration , and staff . It was wonderful to see how everyone was vital for the smooth operation of the university . I would like to thank the faculties who helped to make my time there as a Teaching Assistant enjoyable and taught me to relax while still being responsible . I started seeing students in a new light . Every compliment was now an outlet for appreciating oneself and every complaint , an avenue for improvement . Every concept that they understood was satisfaction for self . Students are in-fact teachers in themselves . I started seeing myself in a new light – an evolving self .
Remembering July of 2016 , graduation was imminent and all of us were starting to worry about finishing the final thesis and report . Finally , the final presentation done , photos taken , thesis concluded . Relaxing at my room I realized that I will not have to attend classes again , never worry about assignments but with the cost of never seeing some of my friends ! Four wonderful years went by and I will never have that experience again ! I started to remember the final presentation . Standing in front of a classroom – supervisor and other faculties scrutinizing intently the months ’ worth of perseverance , friends curiously listening to everything I was presenting while pointing to the results at the screen and nervously explaining in gibberish English . Little did I know , that was not the last time I would experience something like that . July 2018 , I was ready to leave for my higher studies and I was standing in front of the classroom again talking in gibberish English about how much I appreciate the time here . Sure , the mass changed , the way I presented changed , responsibilities changed but the jubilation and nervousness of being there were the same .
My time at Kathmandu University so far - the silly yet focused student and the responsible yet scared instructor . Trying to write this article stimulated a lot of memories – a copious amount of nostalgia for things I experienced and regrets for things I missed .
Waiting for a new chapter at Kathmandu University .
Sumit Khadka PhD candidate at University of Houston
Department of Physics ( Batch 2012 ) Teaching Assistant ( 2016 to 2018 )


Human nature is amazing . Every time I think that it has amazed me in every way possible , I come across something new . Humans are so affectionate and at the same time inconsiderate . The unconditional love that they have to offer is gratifying and self-centered behavior that they possess makes them equally cruel . This makes me believe that human beings , being the most warped creation of nature , resemble her in the most beautiful ways .
Nature , without any doubt , is indulged with Human beings making them the most like her . Mother Nature has provided human beings with the kind of privileges that gives them a sense of superiority over other creations of nature including Mother Nature herself . This sense of superiority has led Human Beings to destroy their invigorative . Human beings have recklessly pulled through her green luscious hair scarping through her ravishing skin . Humans have exploited her alluring jewels leaving her remorselessly barren . Humans have adapted to the attribute of giving back just like Mother Nature but just not to her .
Despite being the most comprehensive part of nature , human beings have become distant to

90 Year Book of Environmental Science