2020 | Page 89

Nature and Social Concern Society 89

Nature reflects our nature k | ltlaDa

Waiting for a New Chapter

Dhulikhel was ( and still is ) one of my preferred places to escape from the rumbles of the valley , always the preferred location for occasional picnics and get-away . Little did I know that I would spend a significant part of my life here – studying undergraduate and working as a Teaching Assistant for 2 years at Kathmandu University . There were many factors that led me to study undergraduate at Kathmandu University and I am glad that I made that decision . You get off from the ever-crowded , ever-noisy bus at 28 Kilo , walk a few minutes and see this beautiful university - a little paradise to study at . I have probably walked that road a million times , but I am certain that I will be euphoric every time I see a glimpse of the university from the junction coming in from 28 Kilo .
It was exciting to see so many enthusiastic students waiting to embark on an exciting journey during the first orientation at CV Raman Auditorium . I had already realized by that time that I would be going through a rollercoaster of experiences as this cohort was a mixture of different idiosyncrasies all brought together by a common goal . The orientation was mostly about how the program will be run , classes , examinations , projects , mid-terms , assignments , etc . These things decide how each of us will excel academically but there was little emphasis on the friendships that would be built , life experiences that would be gained , lessons that would be learned , and things that would be regretted .
I was always the studious one in the class and I had a fair variety of experiences during this time - from early studies and football sessions to late-night assignments and parties and everything in between . Singing and dancing in the Fare-Welcome programs were scary , but easy when friends sang and danced along . Complaining about food at mess was no fun but it was thrilling when 10 of us were complaining together . Basking in the sun rather than completing an assignment was a waste of time for sure but innocuous with friends .
Kathmandu University is special for me in the sense that my undergraduate experience was filled with all these innocuous activities in addition to the ever-present nurturing academic environment . The assignments were taxing and the lectures were lengthy , but they helped to build a solid foundation . The projects might have been time-consuming , but they helped to build research experiences . The reports and presentations were frustrating to prepare but helped a lot in learning documentation . Giving a presentation was intimidating , but it helped in oratory skills and gave a reason to be formally clad so as to change profile picture on Facebook !
Graduation was fortunately not the end of my time here at Kathmandu University . November 2016 - I started as a Teaching Assistant for the Department of Physics and that was a completely different experience . Teaching had always been my passion , but I was not ready for it yet . The first day of class ; nervousness crept in . I entered the class and saw almost 60 students there – all curiously looking at me . Fear crept in .
I nervously introduced Sumit Khadka …. General Physics-I blah blah blah ...”.
This changed everything . The ascent from KU gate to SOS building was never the same again , discussions on the Physics department was not me getting the answers , now it was me who was answering questions from students . Now I had to rethink when I sat behind the library , jump in front of the auditorium , or simply go for a sip of tea at cafes . Honesty , I lost 5 kgs in the first few months of teaching !
Despite the rocky start , it was a wonderful experience . I learned so much more while teaching – not just the course content but a myriad of other stuff . I developed novel respect towards teachers ,

Nature and Social Concern Society 89