2020 | Page 92

92 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
During these days I have seen a lot of the protests being held on social media and platforms that could gain the attention of the concerned authorities , the main ones seem to be the struggle of daily wage workers and their inability to go back to their home despite the conditions , also the inadequacy of the authorities to provide the necessary help that the citizens require during a pandemic like the one happening .
Amidst all these issues , I am more inclined towards thinking about how the minutely small virus has changed our lives , it ’ s as if everything has been a series of mishaps happening , and now we have to follow the rules . The monotonous life and the changes that we took upon during this time of coping has become a habit , the patterns that we have learned and the mechanisms we follow has been enabling us to not get out of our sanctuary and be comfortable living in our own houses .
The issue is really concerning , especially for the people who have weak coping mechanisms . We seem to get used to the comfort more often than we do to the absurdness , now I even wonder if the same market I went to every day would feel the same , the same places might feel new and after the worst has ended , the normal life may seem foreign . Practically speaking , going on and about in our days might be hard and this way we have been accustomed to is really easy and everything , but we have to go back , and for the same reason , we will eventually .
There is also the outburst on the issue of lockdown coming from different parts of our country , the concern arises when people are hypocritical while talking about how COVID-19 is spread by some individuals who weren ’ t conscious enough , I have seen the uncles and aunts go around the neighborhood in groups . It ’ s like promoting a disease to get rid of it , it does not make any sense . People tend to give more emphasis on making their actions look reasonable or to prove they are right , but I seem to find no reason or practicality in it . How can risking the spread of a global pandemic be weighted upon the righteousness or the reasonable behavior of some few individuals , who deem they are right by themselves ?
For the time like this , the rules shall be followed , as asked we must do our part , there is no other way around and we all know it . I have been questioned ,’ so what if some disease kills some people around the globe , shall we let everyone die because someone thinks the lockdown is stupid ?’ Of course not , and this sort of logic shall be thrown in a garbage pit because if spread widely , this virus can put overload in the health sector which eventually would not be any easier than seeing an apocalypse come nearer and nearer .
Now that the cases have been rapidly increasing and we barely can know how many more people are affected by the SARS-Cov-2 ( COVID-19 ), now is the high time to go through the reasonable but strict lockdown . Since the problem is not going to solve itself and the threat of the virus re-occurring in waves is still present , it shall not be taken lightly . Instead of creating mass hysteria , everyone can follow the rules and only pass the valid and truthful statistics related to the virus . While going back surely is going to be quite hard , might even seem abnormal , after all this time , and since how long this lockdown continues is still unknown . We shall keep on with our health and be productive . The life we had been leading won ’ t go back exactly to what it was but can go back to an even better way of existing than the one before . This virus has challenged our systems and security , and now we are able to realize things we wouldn ’ t have otherwise , so the changes are necessary , but that does not have to mean they are unattainable .
Garima Khanal Dharan Sunsari

92 Year Book of Environmental Science