2020 | Page 85

Nature and Social Concern Society 85
Nature reflects our nature

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The Invisible Killer ; Air Pollution

Air Pollution has become the biggest environmental cause of premature death , lack of clean drinking water , etc . Air Pollution kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year . According to the Data shown by WHO , 9 out of 10 people breathe air containing high levels of pollutants . Air Pollution possess a major threat to health and climate too . More than 80 % of the people living in developing countries are exposed to air quality levels that exceed the WHO limits , both outdoors and indoors . There are about 4.2 million deaths every year due to exposure to outdoor pollution and 3.8 million deaths due to household exposure to smoke from dirty cook stoves and fuels . Two of the most prevalent and dangerous forms of air pollution are particulates and ozone . Fine particulate matter ( PM ) enter the lungs and help to spread harmful substances through the body . Nitrogen oxides react with sunlight to produce ozone and contribute to the formation of particulates . These kinds of air pollutants have various health impacts including asthma , lung cancer , respiratory problems , and heart diseases .
Road transport and diesel vehicles are responsible for most of the air pollution in countries like ours . There is no environmental justification for this . What can be done to reduce this problem ? The first thing we can do is to reduce the use of diesel vehicles and use gasoline vehicles instead . Every time we use our heater or air conditioner , even styling our hair , we make choices that make the air more reduce it by using polluted in our surroundings . We can reduce it by using energy-efficient light bulbs and appliances , conserve energy by turning off lights , computers , and electric appliances when aren ’ t in use . Mulch or compost leaves and yard waste instead of burning it . Although the air quality has improved in the world ’ s major cities including Kathmandu , Biratnagar , Pokhara due to the Covid-19 lockdown , however , the air quality is not suitable for certain age groups such as senior citizens and people with respiratory ailments and the young ones . As air pollution is a leading global health issue , concerned authorities who imposed stringent measures for Covid-19 should treat air pollutants with similar urgency . The improvement of air quality due to Covid-19 should be tapped into to keeping the air clean .
As the air quality has improved due to Covid-19 , it should not be temporary . After the lockdown is over , we should practice safe development without harming the environment . Like supporting national green strategies , lowering carbon emission . We all want to create a tomorrow in which breathing clean air is not only a human right but also a daily reality for everybody . To achieve that , we must innovate and collaborate to deliver much more ambitious cuts in emission that we do today .
Sumita Thapa Environment Science
( Batch 2017 )

Nature and Social Concern Society 85