2020 | Page 84

84 Year Book of Environmental Science

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Nature reflects our nature
to fight for their way because of all the judgements and patronization they suffer through . I realized , their suffering , their struggles , their lives , their cries are all unheard and they still have the guts to fight for them . Somewhere around these thoughts , I must have decided several years back that I would never become such a warrior . I had convinced myself to become a feminist to help these women live a better life but if it happened to me , I would choose the end to it all for me with death because I cannot take care of my family reputation , my desires , my dreams , society ’ s expectation and still fight till the last day being infantilized , sympathized and hated for my circumstances . I am still as worthy as that pretty girl in my locality to be loved , married , cared , inspired and learned from because I never asked for it and as a woman , I am accustomed to being provided with things I didn ’ t ask for and in short of resources I would die for .
Sandhya Paudyal BBA ( Hons )
The British College


Introducing the sea turtle . Such is its lack of intelligence that the average sea turtle ( which is every sea turtle , if you get the drift ) cannot even tell the difference between a plastic bag and the jellyfish . That says a lot when you consider that the jellyfish is the turtle ’ s favourite food . As a result , the shelled idiot gobbles down floating plastic bags in the oceans and ends up choking to death . This plastic diet has reached an almost feeding frenzy that it has driven the species to the brink of extinction . Not irritable bowel syndrome . Not a few rashes beneath that dense shell . But Extinction
Then there is us .
Humans . The most intelligent of species on this planet . Or maybe even in the universe , until time proves otherwise . The perfect culmination of the evolution curve . God ’ s blue-eyed boys and girls . The rulers of the pale blue dot . The masters of the land , the sea , and the sky . The brave hearts who tamed wild elephants , ferocious lions , and galloping horses . The thinkers who out-thought the rest . The inventors of fire , the wheel and the power to dream . The virtuosos who unified the world through language and made it a smaller place . The artists who painted the ceilings divine . The singers who made the skies weep . The writers who penned histories and the visionaries who wrote the future . We are the wizards who turned air into water and water into the light . The masterminds who harnessed energy and took firm reins of it . The brains that fought the disease and delayed death . The Einsteins , the Teslas and the Musks . The geniuses that put a vehicle on the red planet , a man on the faraway moon , and that plastic bag in the vast ocean . The same one that killed that stupid turtle .
Source : The Hindu
Smriti Shrestha Environment Science
( Batch 2018 )

84 Year Book of Environmental Science