2020 World Day Against Child Labour_CCR CSR Info Package_June 12 | 页面 2

CHILD LABOUR AND COVID-19: W LIKE IN The COVID-19 crisis is likely to incre foreseeable future. He • Complete loss or reduction of parents’ income and no social insurance schemes to support them, thus putting pressure on children to work • Children unable to continue schooling because parents unable to pay for school fees • Children, many of whom can’t access or keep up with online classes, more likely to drop out of school to work and support their families • Juvenile workers more likely to accept hazardous work in order to have an income, which is a form of child labour • Lack of social security increases families’ financial pressure in case of illness & further encourages children to work • • • • • WHAT CAN CO PREVENT • Develop/review, refine and implement existing child labour policies and guidelines, and ensure that they clearly highlight your commitment to child labour prevention and remediation and that they contribute to cascading child labour policies throughout the supply chain • Communicate policy to all levels of your business incl. Labour and dispatch agencies used by your suppliers & make sure it is understood and implemented • Conduct a child rights risk assessment & address any risks • Support & encourage your suppliers to take training on child labour prevention & juvenile worker management • Strengthen management of sub-contractors and service providers PROT • Make sure sup ing juvenile wo ardous workin adequate prot Consider spon development support youth come valuable • If possible, sup ers in creating workplaces to children of wo through afterchild friendly • Make sure wo ply chain have insurance/pro • Consider a fai practices that tection to supp from shocks ca like COVID-19