2020 World Day Against Child Labour_CCR CSR Info Package_June 12 | Page 3

HAT DOES THE PICTURE LOOK 2020? ase child labour in the re’s why: Lack of childcare options means parents more likely to bring children to work Labour shortages aggravated by reduced labour mobility and travel restrictions may prompt employers to hire underage children to meet labour needs Uncertainty of orders likely to prompt factories to hire informal or day labourers, where age verification is frequently flouted Suppliers more likely to subcontract certain processes rather than hire new employees, creating more opaque supply chains and increasing the likelihood of child labour Significant reduction in audits, meaning more underage children are working undetected MPANIES DO? ECT pliers are offerrkers non-hazg conditions with ection & training. soring a youth programme to to thrive & be- , skilled staff port your supplifamily-friendly accommodate rkers such as school centres or spaces rkers in your supaccess to social tection schemes rer purchasing offer better proly chain workers used by crises REMEDIATE • Make sure you have a child labour remediation programme in place that puts the best interest of the child first and creates conditions that enable children to stay out of work and continue learning until they’ve reached the legal minimum working age • Allocate an emergency fund that can be quickly deployed in child labour cases involving extreme hardship and/or risks • Work with expert organisations on child labour such as CCR CSR, to manage the cases and achieve the desired outcomes