2020 World Day Against Child Labour_CCR CSR Info Package_June 12

IES , 9 on ble o o n OVID 19 Only 43% of companies that prohibit child labour conduct supplier child rights risk assessments* Only 26% of companies that do child rights risk assessments, report on the suppliers considered to have significant child rights risks* Promise to Practiceā€¯, Global Child Forum. OUR CASES RECRUITMENT HOW CHILDREN WERE INTRODUCED TO THE FACTORY 45% 11% 16% 7% 11% 9% 2% REMEDIATION STATUS & OUTCOMES Among a total of 186 notifications, 77% led to a rapid assessment Relative in factory Friend Self-applied Factory HR Labour agent Neihbour Other 85% of remediation plans have been accepted by all parties involved USE OF FAKE IDS 29% Yes 71% No 85% of all remdiation programmes have been successful