Other Voluntary
Insurance Benefits
Renown offers convenient payroll deductions for the following voluntary benefits:
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness insurance can pay a lump-sum benefit at the diagnosis of a covered illness. You choose the
level of coverage — from $5,000 to $50,000 — and use the money any way you see fit. You may take the
coverage with you if you leave the company or retire without having to answer new health questions.
Who Can Have It?
• Benefit-eligible employees who are actively at work
• Dependent children newborn until 26, regardless of marital or student status.
All eligible children are automatically covered at 25% of the employee benefit amount
(no additional cost).
• Spouse age 17 through 64 with purchase of employee coverage
From $5,000 to $50,000 in $1,000 increments
Eligible children are covered for the same conditions as employee and the following childhood conditions:
cerebral palsy, cleft lip or palate, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and spina bifida. Diagnosis must occur after
the child’s coverage effective date.
Accident Insurance
Accident insurance pays a lump-sum benefit based on the type of injury (or covered incident) you sustain or
the type of treatment you need. You choose the coverage that’s right for you. Accident insurance is offered
to all eligible employees age 17 to 80 who are actively at work. See schedule of benefits on Inside Renown
under Benefits for full list of covered injuries and expenses.
Spouse Coverage
Age 17 to 80, if actively at work or not disabled
Child Coverage
Available for dependent children age 14 days to 26, regardless of martial
or student status
• If a family plan is purchased, dependent children are covered until 26
• If a child-only plan is purchased, dependent children are covered until 24