2019 Yukon Riverside Arts Festival YRAF_program2019web | Page 22

Installations/ Performances Aleks Bartosik IRIDESCENT WATERS 4PM - 6 PM Friday. 5PM - 7PM Saturday. 1 - 3 Sunday Dawson Daily News Iridescent Waters is an interactive installation that is inspired by the northern lights. Viewers immerse themselves into a whimsical and beautiful world and explore boundaries between the real and the imaginary. The installation challenges one’s ability and willingness to imagine, pretend, dream and suspend disbelief. Aleks Bartosik is a Dawson City-based artist working primarily with painting and drawing although often works with performance, installation, and video/ film animation. IRIDESCENT WATERS (PERFORMANCE) . 6 PM Saturday, Dawson Daily News A description will spoil the experience. Dan Brown Hozjan WALL-TENT AND CANVAS . 24/7, Friday - Sunday, Main Riverside Festival Grounds This piece was concieved during long days hiking through the wild spaces of the Yukon Territory and dreamt of during nights spent in canvas tents. It is a tribute to the vibrant light and life of the summertime and was painted in a small cabin on Haida Gwaii. Dan Brown first arrived in Dawson eight years ago as a student of the Yukon School of Visual Arts and subsequently fell in love with the community and has been here ever since. Basia Hinton BLACKHOLE LOVE SONG IN THE KEY OF DAWSON. 24/7, Friday - Sunday, SOVA, Front Deck Step inside a 3-D grid-map representation of a black hole made entirely from recycled materials! This large sculptural piece explores sound and light waves, intimacy, the cosmos, time, patterns in nature, and desire. The piece playfully invites viewers to pause and experience a moment of self reflection and connect with their environment. Basia has been loving the north and all its magic for the last five years, spending time making art, teaching, drumming, and coordinating youth and arts programs.