2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 77

Jarrod Cunningham Sports Academy Back Row: Laura Johnson, Lily Stephens, Rani Williams, Amy Culham, Rosemary Yorke 3rd Row: Max Buller, Cameron Potts, Cole Fletcher, Oscar Sowman, Bruno McDonald, Sam Bird 2nd Row: Libby Charlton, Alex van Oeveren, Zoe Baker, Will Tidswell, Jono Williams, Lola McDonald, Fiona Goff Front Row: Thomas Mackenzie, Thomas Culham, Kane Elms, Imke Kitchin, Hamish Jackson, Hamish Lee, Niamh Lee, Jenna Tidswell Absent: Lucas Maidens, Greer Edilson which has the most wonderful principles and philosophy. In Japanese the word ‘Judo’ means “the gentle or yielding way” and I think this describes this student to perfection. I do know that Judo involves some spectacular throws, considerable grappling on the mat, and even choking techniques! But to excel in this sport means you must be someone very special. So it is with great pleasure that this year the Supreme Trophy was awarded to Thomas Mackenzie. Fiona Goff JCSA Sports Academy Manager 77