2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 76

K Ki o Rahi Back Row: Mr Reiter (Coach), Mrs Meagher (Coach) Sapphire Greening-Nuku, Misty Greening-Nuku, Jazmin Greening-Nuku, Halle Steedman Front Row: Absent: Kauri Chadwick, Aramata Collier-Rapaea, Mahinarangi Cooper-Rapaea, Nicky Nuku, J J Nuku-Stone, Iris Talabucon, Saxon Parr-Hutton, Junior Maurirere Ki o rahi at HNHS Jarrod Cunningham Sports Academy 2018 The team started to play in the local competition at Karamu College during Term 4, 2018. Based on the Purakau (legend) of Rahitutakahina and the rescue of his wife Tiarakurapakewai, Ki o rahi is a large team game played between two teams on a large circular field. Played for four quarters, teams alternate roles of Kīoma and Taniwha at quarter time. Kīoma score by touching Pou with the Kī (for potential points) then running the Kī through Te Roto and placing it down in Pawero to convert pou touches into points. Kīoma stop the other team, Taniwha. Taniwha score by hitting the Tupu with the Kī. Kīoma will have Kaitiaki (guardians) around the Tupu to stop Taniwha from hitting the Tupu. Depending on which variation is being played, Taniwha must stop Kīoma from scoring by either touching, two handed touch, ripping the tag or tackling them in the appropriate area. 2018 was a great year to be in the Sports Academy. The students enjoyed some challenging before school training sessions and breakfast sports forums with guests Annie Cairns, Chris McIvor and Mark Foote. The photos are of the Growing Leaders day, with Imke Kitchin, the Year 10 training group with Jack Facer (strength and conditioning coach), and the breakfast sports forum with Mark Foote. In 2018 seven HNHS students represented New Zealand in their respective codes. Imke Kitchin travelled to Australia in the Maori Secondary Schools netball team. Thomas Mackenzie competed in the Oceania Judo Championships in Noumea, New Caledonia. Jenna and Will Tidswell headed to the Junior World Orienteering championships in Hungary in July. At the same time Greer Edilson was competing in the Under 21 Canoe Polo World Championships in Canada. Kane Elms travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the Australian Cross Country Championships and Niamh Lee competed in the Canoe Marathon World Championships in Portugal in September. The team worked to get to grips with the rules and develop a strategy for winning the game. Feedback from an opposing school indicated we are improving our game. “The Havelock North team, really rattled our Karamu team in the tournament round, your captain is awesome at leading the team, and she is an awesome kaitiaki.” Sapphire Greening- Nuku has lead the team to several wins across the season. Key points scorers have been year 10 students Saxon Parr- Hutton and JJ Nuku-Stone. As a mixed team, we welcome new junior players. This term HNHS had a win against Hukarere Girls’ College and a drastic loss to Te Aratika. Our aim is to build the team for next year, so the HNHS Ki o rahi team will be qualifiers for the 2019 New Zealand Secondary School Nationals to be held in the Hawke’s Bay in April 14-16 at the HB Regional Park, Hastings. It was a very difficult decision picking the JCSA Supreme Trophy winner for 2018. We needed to choose someone who best epitomises the reason why the Sports Academy exists - someone with a great attitude, strong work ethic, someone who is highly motivated to learn and improve. They must be curious, coachable and committed. In the end our decision came down to a student who is quietly confident, always calm, kind, gentle and supremely dedicated. He is also THE best in NZ in his sport - a sport 76