2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 75

Squash Boys & Girls Back Row: Toby Evans, Oscar Field, Ryan Miller Front Row: Drew Olsen, Oscar Treadwell, Jena Gregory, Liam Wilcock, Jude Snee Squash Wales, Queensland and then a combined Australian team. This event alternates between squash clubs in New Zealand, New South Wales and Queensland. Each area has a team of 20 and then at a dinner on the last night the top five for each section get chosen to play New Zealand in the test match on the final day. During this tournament you play seven matches of individuals and three matches of doubles, all across the four day timespan. For two years I have been part of this team as the junior girls number two and the junior girls number one. The Aussies bring their A games and it’s always tough to push through for the win. Each year they get stronger but luckily for the past seven years New Zealand has finished with the win. The best part about going to this tournament, whether it’s in New Zealand or Australia is travelling, staying and spending time with the team. It’s always a great experience and so much fun. The squash season of 2018 was the very last season for my teammates and I. We had been playing since year 10, and have enjoyed nearly every moment of it. 2018 was the end of a great era of social squash for my team. Practicing on a Sunday and playing on a Monday were embedded as weekly rituals during term two for the past four years. We always came into our games with a laid-back and relaxed mindset, as our goals were to enjoy our time together and participate in a sport we all enjoyed. We have grown a lot as a team, and have had our share of ups and downs during our time. We may have never won the title of best team, nor the worst; but what we did gain was an amazing journey, in which we shared as we improved and practised every week. Drew Olsen Jena Gregory I have played squash for the school for three years now and it has led to many new and great opportunities. I have played school squash on a Monday which has led to me to the New Zealand Secondary School Squash tournament in Palmerston North. This tournament brings the best squash players from schools all around New Zealand to represent themselves, their teams and their schools as well as they can. Both years I have been in my team we’ve placed better than our seeding and everyone got the chance to play some tough and challenging matches. Each year, the teams get stronger and the matches get harder so being a team tournament it’s helpful having the players from your team supporting you and cheering you on. At the end of this tournament 20 players are chosen (five junior girls, five junior boys, five senior girls, five senior boys) to represent New Zealand in the Trans-Tasman Secondary School Squash tournament against New South 75