2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 14

TAINUI Back Row: Kane Elms, Ruben Tonnis, Jack Hulls, Dylan Grattan, Bryan Liem, Benjamin James, Hayden Beedell, Ryan Garrick, Dylan Bishop, Callum Cusack 3rd Row: Harry Setter, Ryan Morton, Kaiyin Hardy, Gittiga Sommee, Lady Mae Quiding, Starr Paul, Helena Allsopp, Sean Arcus 2nd Row: Mr J Lloyd, Samantha Tait, Valerie Leijen, Jenna Tidswell, Malachi Heyward, Lucia Ramos, Lucy Kingi, Rebecca Richards, Luke Kneebone Front Row: McKenzie Rowe, Hannah Andrews, Marleen Slabbekoorn, Chantelle Cunningham, Lizzie Harvey, William Kimber, Ruaridh Drown, Sophie Hooper, Samuel Bowering, Kate McKendrey, Anna Mason Absent: Ms Lisa Hargreaves TAINUI all came together and encouraged each other to step out of our comfort zone, which included some very ‘unique’ acting skills. This attitude carried on through all the other house events. This lifted our house morale at somewhat testing times. LEADERS’ REPORT Athletics and swimming sports were the first house events. While we didn’t get the overall result we would have wanted, we had some very good individual success from the likes of Will Tidswell who was the intermediate boys champion and many more who took out the top spot in their respected events. Awkward tan lines from yellow face paint and sore legs remind us of the good times we had for many weeks after these awesome days. Looking back on our time at Havelock North High School, Tainui House has always played an important part in our schooling life. Right from the get go, we could tell that our house would play a big role in sculpting our experience of secondary school life. Over our five years, we’ve experienced a range of results and it was amazing to experience winning the Patu in 2016. However this year, more than ever, we have come to understand that it is not always the results that matter. Choir was next in store. A mixed bag of results meant we had to fully embrace our family spirit. Dancing in the moonlight, learning what a note was and a lot of bad timing all made us bond on a level we might not have expected. Thanks to the musical expertise of our talented musicians in the house, we performed well. 2018 was not our year for silverware, however it taught us that winning is only a small aspect of house competition. Reflecting on the year, it was actually the house spirit and togetherness that made this year so memorable. Year 13 camp highlighted the bond many of us have developed over five years in Tainui. We 14