2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 13

groove on and sing as if our lives depended on it. Although we struggled with getting the correct amount of numbers we soon learned to work with the wonderful group of people we had. Our compulsory song was “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” which proved to be difficult to sing, but equally as beautiful once all of the parts and harmonies were sorted. Our song of choice after numerous votes was Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl.” The performance night was full of laughter, dancing and singing as we warmed up in the dance gym, conversing over fish and chips. With Courtney Ellingham- Prebble, Jasper Blokker and Jasper Ross performing a skit during the song, acting as the uptown girl, the uptown boy and the downtown boy with our choir on stage singing their hearts out, we managed to score ourselves third place. This was largely due to our lack of numbers, but nonetheless this was still a very fun night that will be remembered for a long time. We would like to thank our very helpful choir committee who put in endless form and lunchtimes to make this performance possible. school was ‘tug a fire engine’. This event was sentimental as it would be the last event ever for the year 13’s of Kauri house. Again, although numbers were not on our side, we received a reasonable third place, (though we swear Mr Vose had his breaks on during our turn!) Life Skills was next up on Kauri’s radar and after a long two weeks of showing off our talent in activities such as food tech, science, soft tech, hard tech, quizzes and many more challenges we came second place. Big thanks must go to the debaters who won every single challenge. This was a great feeling after working so hard to gather up a different range of Kauri kids for this event. Courtney Ellingham-Prebble and Jasper Blokker. We are so proud and extremely thankful to have been your Kauri house leaders for 2018. It has been a year of ups and downs but we could not have done it without the support from the members of Kauri house who were always willing to get involved. We cannot thank Mrs Littley-Va’asili enough for her dedication and contribution to the house and we want to give our best wishes to the future leaders of Kauri House. Kia Kaha Kauri House. Do you know the drill? Kauri for the kill! A new event was brewing as we headed into the gymnasium for a classic game of house dodgeball. Our seniors were undefeated throughout their three games which put us in the lead. Our juniors worked so hard but unfortunately were not as lucky as the seniors. Communication within the game was much needed but all the stress of not knowing when or where a ball would be thrown at you took over and we happily took second place. Our last event of the year and a send-off for the seniors of the 13 Kauri House Leaders Alex Miller, Courtney Ellingham-Prebble, Jasper Blokker, Zane Shadbolt