2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 12

KAURI Back Row: Josh O’Halloran, Andre Wilbraham, Yuto Kuki, Kohki Takano, Lennart Henke, Robert Curtis, Kiara Anderson, Louis Pitt, Finn Wakefield 4th Row: Deeana Isherwood, Caitlin Stewart, Samantha Spencer, Megan Ree, Stephanie Houghton, Kara Billing, Michael Houghton, Aishlin McIntyre, Imre Scheidegger, Emily Selfe, Alex Miller 3rd Row: Mrs N Littley-Va’asili, Danielle Thorpe, Tess Gordon, Bridget Berry, John Liu, Amarveer Kalkat, Gavin Ardin, Jacob Mellors, Ben Winterson, Mrs A Onekawa 2nd Row: Anna Welch, Baeleigh Ching, Benjamin Hulena, Jasper Blokker, Chelsea Mosen, Taylor Kittow, Thomas Culham, Zane Shadbolt, Oscar Smyth Front Row: Courtney Ellingham-Prebble Absent: Opal Taylor, Emily Young, Riki Karena, Robert Kragh, Arua Gray, Jelmer Nap, Ethan Mangakahia KAURI show off our talent on the track. Again, it was an extremely exciting and fun event where everyone was able to get involved in champion and non-champion events. In Kauri house, winning isn’t everything. It is also about the experience and contribution from our wonderful Kauri kids that make these house events an enjoyable day, regardless of what place we come in. We know we always try our hardest. Our resilience, dedication and good sportsmanship would get us through our loss at athletics, onto our next house event which would prove our strengths. LEADERS’ REPORT The year started off with a bang, our year 13s shouting “Kauri!, Kauri!” as they entered the gates of River Bend camp. For two days our year 13 cohort were gathered together with numerous activities and challenges to grow as a year group and our patience was tested as we were eager to perform our final show on the stage, signifying the start of the school year for 2018. Kauri house made a come back on our next event, orienteering. We chose our strongest orienteers to run a course in teams of three, each heading in different directions to collect up to eight points each. It was clear to see that we specialised in orienteering as a much deserved first place was won. We were extremely grateful to have such talented and coordinated individuals in our house to bring us our first win of the year. Swimming sports was our first event as a full house where we fought a hard battle, and although the place we came wasn’t a win, we still felt like winners after a long, hot day of house participation and fun. Everyone who was involved in swimming sports was a champion, but our standouts were Sophia Langford and James Denny-Galo who brought us winning titles in their age categories. Next up we had one of the most entertaining events on the calendar, house choir. House choir was our chance to get our Athletics came next in the battle of the houses, where we could 12