2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 15

Life skills involved a lot of people and we had many students getting involved in house events that thought they would never give it a go. We had teams cooking, welding and arguing in inter house debating. Dodgeball, orienteering and tug a truck were some of the other minor house events. Dodgeball gave us an opportunity to relieve some built up anger from house competitions by throwing balls at each other (below shoulders of course…). Orienteering was a good result for us, coming in a strong second place, it helps when you have a world champion in your team. Tug a truck meant pulling a fire truck, with Tainui’s own, Mr Vose sitting in the front seat. As house leaders we hope that the enjoyment we had throughout the year will set up a strong foundation for the years to come. Hopefully in the future Tainui house can progress from participating to winning. In sporting, academic and cultural areas the house has strong individuals coming through that have the opportunity to make Tainui great again. A big thank you to all the students who stepped out of their comfort zone for Tainui. Thanks to the teachers who somehow managed to keep sane while looking after us all and a massive thank you to Mrs Hargreaves who did so much work behind the scenes. You made all this possible and somehow managed to wear yellow every single day. Sha-la-la Will Kimber and Sophie Hooper Tainui House Leaders Samuel Bowering, Sophie Hooper, William Kimber, Lizzie Harvey 15