2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 120

the school. “Meihana has been an outstanding leader of Taiohi Tu. He has consistently shown initiative and communicated effectively with both staff and students. He has enhanced tikanga Māori at Havelock North High School by encouraging fellow students with his positive attitude, enthusiasm and supportive nature.” Lucy Kingi: Tikanga Māori Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to tikanga Māori within the school. “Lucy has been a loyal and dedicated member of Taiohu Tu. She has proven to be a capable leader and communicator. She has encouraged and supported senior student participation in sports exchange powhiri and Matariki. Lucy has enhanced tikanga Māori at Havelock North High School.” Liam Shackleton: Premier Sports Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to the sporting life of the school. “Liam has captained the 1st XI cricket team, the 1st XI football team and the Senior A futsal team. He has represented the Central Federation senior men in futsal and played central league football with the Havelock North Wanderers. Liam has also served on the sports committee.” Jenna Tidswell: Premier Sports Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to the sporting life of the school. “Jenna has represented New Zealand in the under 21 orienteering squad. She has won numerous New Zealand and New Zealand Secondary School’s orienteering titles. Jenna has also won the 800 metre athletics title at the East Coast North Island Secondary School’s competition and she has served as a leader on the sports committee.” Drew Olsen: Premier Cultural Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to the cultural life of the school. “Drew plays the clarinet, saxophone, piano and he is also an accomplished singer and composer. He has contributed immensely to the cultural life of the school through his long term involvement in Havelock Singers, Future Prospect, Concert Band, Stage Band, the school productions and the saxophone ensemble. Drew is totally reliable and a great example to younger students.” Nina Blair: Premier Cultural Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to the cultural life of the school. “Nina’s contribution to the cultural life of our school has been significant. She has played lead roles in major school productions, been a valuable member of various choirs and plays many instruments, including the bass guitar, drums and violin. Nina is also an accomplished singer. She is extremely versatile and she excels in the performing arts. She is admired by her peers and is a fantastic role model.” Awards for Citizenship Marleen Slabbekoorn: Craig Foss Cup for the student who has contributed greatly to a school committee. “As one of the leaders of the school services committee Marleen has been totally and utterly reliable and responsible in her duties. She has integrity and this is displayed by her strong set of personal values. These values have ensured Marleen’s leadership has been positive, supportive and collaborative.” Meihana Jennings: Kohatu Humarie Award for the student who contributes to harmony within the school. “Meihana is described as friendly, helpful, encouraging and inclusive. In his roles as captain of a sports team and leader of a school committee he is highly respected. When Meihana takes on any duties he does so with a genuine desire to contribute positively to our school community.” Imke Kitchin: Ron Shakespeare Trophy for the student who has contributed to the community. “Over many years Imke has made a considerable contribution to our school community. Her positivity and willingness to ‘get the job done’ has been integral to her success as a deputy house leader, committee leader and sports captain. Imke is a great communicator and is very supportive of those around her. She is the ultimate team player.” Jenna Tidswell: Lattey Family Prize for the student who best typifies the school motto ‘aim to excel’. “Jenna is an ‘all-rounder’ in every sense of the word. She is a very successful student, a capable leader of a school committee and a great sportswoman in her own right. She does all this whilst ensuring she is always caring and considerate towards others. Jenna personifies our school motto whaia te iti kahurangi in that she aims to excel in everything she undertakes.” Awards for Outstanding Citizenship Samantha Tait: Staff Prize: “Samantha is a determined, focused, capable and independent young woman. She is always prepared to make the extra effort necessary to help herself and others fulfil their potential. Samantha’s citizenship has been displayed through her tutoring of students, her generosity with her time for other groups and their projects and the way she is inclusive towards our international students.” Lizzie Harvey: Whittaker Prize: “Lizzie is always approachable. Whether that be as a leader, a debating coach, a model United Nations ambassador or directing a play, she stands out for her organisational skills, her positivity and the superb way in which she communicates with both students and staff. Lizzie is a great example to all students of dedication, resilience and the joy she finds in working in a team to achieve a goal. Lizzie is a great citizen of Havelock North High School.” Drew Olsen: John Kneebone Memorial Lions Award: “Drew is an exceptional young man who has made a significant contribution as a committee leader. He has a great sense of humour, a cheerful outlook on life and he is always very grateful when he is helped in any way. These attributes, along with the consideration he has for his peer group, have earned him the respect of staff and students alike. Drew is a very well-liked young man and one of Havelock North High School’s finest citizens.” Nina Blair: Child on a Swing Award: “Nina has genuine integrity and compassion. Her teachers note she always encourages and supports others and as leader of a school committee, and through her involvement in the cultural life of the school, she is inclusive and thoughtful. Nina is a worthy recipient of an outstanding citizenship award.” Awards for Outstanding Leadership Nick Batey: King Award: “Nick is an unfailingly polite and cheerful young man. Importantly Nick is generous with his time. He is always available to help both students and staff and this invaluable expertise has made him a key person within the school for many school events over many years. Nick’s leadership is best exemplified by the way he has lead the ‘techie crew’ for three years by always sharing his knowledge and supporting others in an unassuming, respectful way. We thank, and congratulate Nick, for his fine leadership.” Courtney Ellingham-Prebble: Rei Hamon Cup: “Courtney has the ability to get on with everyone. Her relentless positivity and engaging, charismatic personality motivates both herself and others to be the best they 120