2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 121

can be. Her leadership has been to the fore as student representative on the Board of Trustees in 2017 and as a house leader this year. Courtney is willing to try things out of her comfort zone and this along with her caring and empathetic nature also makes her a great citizen. We congratulate, and thank Courtney, for her fine leadership.” Ella Hoogerbrug: Foundation Award for Head Girl: “As Head Girl Ella has been an extremely confident and effective communicator. Ella has a great sense of humour and a strong work ethic. She has been willing to take risks in order to initiate change but she has managed that risk by listening to other points of view. Ella has made a significant contribution to the student leadership team at Havelock North High School and we thank her for her service to the school as Head Girl in 2018.” Jamie Cornes: Foundation Award for Head Boy: “Jamie is a quiet leader who is always willing to listen to the thoughts and opinions of others before voicing his own. His considered approach and ability to relate to a wide range of students has made him a widely respected Head Boy. Jamie is reliable, caring and unfailingly calm and these attributes have been a welcome addition to the student leadership team at Havelock North High School. We thank him for the considerable contribution he has made to the school.” Principal’s Award for Academic Excellence in Year 13 Mitchell Beserra: Prize in digital technology and distinction in biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics with calculus . Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards Sophie Hooper: Haddock Arts Award for excellence in the Arts. Sophie receives this award for prize in design, prize in photography, for which she receives a digital camera sponsored by PhotoLife, prize in external English, for which she receives the Ryan Award, and the Haddock Arts Award for outstanding academic achievement in the arts; Jenna Tidswell: Mathematics Cup and Barrett Cup. Jenna receives these awards for prize in external mathematics and statistics, prize in biology, distinction in mathematics with calculus, distinction in physics and distinction in chemistry. Jenna is awarded the Mathematics Cup for outstanding academic achievement in mathematics and the Barrett Cup for outstanding achievement in the sciences; Fallon Hendrie: enableMe Business Cup for excellence in Business. Fallon receives this award for prize in economics, prize in calculus and distinction in accounting and the enableMe Business Cup for excellence in Business; Ella Hoogerbrug: von Dadelszen Cup and the Social Sciences Cup. Ella receives these awards for prize in media studies and distinction in external English, distinction in history and distinction in geography. Ella is awarded the von Dadelszen Cup for excellence in the humanities and the Social Sciences Cup for excellence in social sciences. David Barham Memorial Trophy for Proxime Accessit : Mitchell Beserra Mitchell is described as a hard working student with an excellent work ethic. He constantly strives to achieve at the highest level. Mitchell’s focus and determination have earned him the respect of his teachers and peers alike and these attributes recognise him as Proxime Accessit of Havelock North High School for 2018. Foundation Trophy for Dux : Jenna Tidswell Jenna’s academic record speaks for itself. She received the Adams Cup for top year 11 student in 2016 and the Wilde Trophy for top year 12 student in 2017. Her academic record this year of prizes in two subjects and distinction in three subjects clearly establishes her as Dux for Havelock North High School in 2018. Mitchell Beserra - Proximee Accessit 2018 Jenna Tidswell - Dux 2018 121