2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 119

Academic Prizes Scott Angus: Prize in internal mathematics and statistics and prize in metal technology; Kai Bayliss: Prize in Japanese; Timothy Beck: Prize in general science; Hayden Beedell: Prize in hospitality; Thomas Culham: Prize in accounting and distinction in design; Tess Gordon: Prize in fabric technology; Lizzie Harvey: Prize in drama, for which she receives Flight; Lily Jung-Pugh: Prize in internal English; Meg Kain: Prize in classical studies and distinction in biology and mathematics with calculus; Philip Kim: Prize in musicianship; Imke Kitchin: Prize in geography and prize in business; Luke Kneebone: Prize in computing; Niamh Lee: Prize in physical education; Kate McKendrey: Prize in design and visual communication and distinction in biology, physics, painting and mathematics with calculus; Ella Morgan: Prize in food and nutrition and distinction in chemistry and external mathematics and statistics; Josh O’Halloran: Prize in history; Drew Olsen: Prize in music, for which he receives Smoke, and distinction in biology; Emily Selfe: Prize in painting; Samantha Tait: Prize in Spanish and distinction in classical studies, biology and chemistry. Tertiary Education Scholarship Winners Kiara Anderson: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of university study; Timothy Beck: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Gabrielle Bell: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of university study; Kara Billing: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Hollie Carrington: PTA Scholarship to the value of $1000; Jamie Cornes: University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship to the value of $6000 for one year of study; Rio Crosswell: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Ryan Garrick: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Jonty Godfrey: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of university study; Lizzie Harvey: RSA Scholarship to the value of $500; Ella Hoogerbrug: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of study; Sophie Hooper: Massey University Vice-Chancellor’s High Achiever Scholarship to the value of $3000 for one year of study; Jack Hulls: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Imke Kitchin: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of university study; Taylor Kittow: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Nesta Lade: Auckland University Faculty of Science Entry Level Undergraduate Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of study; Bre Lengyel: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Thomas Mackenzie: University of Otago Performance Entrance Scholarship to the value of $16000 over three years of study; Kate McKendrey: Victoria University Tangiwai Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of university study and the Auckland University Top Achiever Scholarship to the value of $20,000 for one year of study.; Trinity Mildenhall: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Drew Olsen: University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Entrance Scholarship to the value of $6000 for one year of study; Connor Parkhill: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Louis Pitt: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Thomas Pohio: Victoria University Totoweka Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of study; Lucia Ramos: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Megan Ree: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Danielle Rowe: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Jude Snee: Victoria University Totoweka Scholarship to the value of $5000 for one year of study; Megan Swanepoel: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Jenna Tidswell: Auckland University Top Achiever Scholarship to the value of $20,000 for one year of study and the Otago University Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship to the value of $35000 over three years of study; Oscar Treadwell Phyllis Sutcliffe Scholarship to the value of $2000; Olivia Wolland: EIT Year 13 Degree Scholarship to the value of $7000 for one year of study; Emily Young: University of Otago New Frontiers Entrance Scholarship to the value of $2500 for one year of study. Special Awards Opal Taylor: Rogers Cup for the special needs student who has shown perseverance and effort. “Opal approaches all her learning with a positive attitude. She always works hard to learn new skills and she can be relied upon to complete tasks cheerfully and willingly. Opal has a friendly personality and often lends a helping hand to other students. We wish Opal all the best for her future.” Luke Kneebone: Tu Tangata Trophy for a student in the special needs unit who exemplifies our school motto. “Luke has always aimed to the best he can be. He has worked hard to achieve NCEA Level One and Two and, over the years, he has received many awards for academic excellence. Luke is unfailingly enthusiastic and cheerful, respectful of others and always keen to learn. Luke is keen to pursue a computing course at EIT and we wish him all the best for the future.” Yuto Kuki: International Student Cup for the international student who participated successfully in the academic life of the school. “Yuto has completed NCEA Level One and Two. His attitude and effort are to be commended.” Kein Sera: AFS Cup for the international student with the greatest involvement in school activities. “Kein has been involved in a number of school and house activities including his inclusion in the Hawke’s Bay under 21 volleyball team.” Oscar Treadwell: Communication Award for outstanding achievement in oral and written communication. “Oscar is an outstanding communicator; whether that be oral or written. He has been a member of school debating teams since he was in year 9 and in 2017 and 2018 he gained an award for best speaker in the Hawke’s Bay Debating Competition. Oscar has been a Model United Nations Youth Ambassador for both the school and the region and he also represents the Tuki Tuki electorate at the New Zealand Youth Parliament.” Meihana Jennings: Tikanga Māori Award for the student who has made an outstanding contribution to tikanga Māori within 119