2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 118

Year 13 Service to School Award The following students are recognised for their service as school leaders at Havelock North High School. Oscar Treadwell: Student Representative on the Board of Trustees, Kauri: Jasper Blokker House Leader Courtney EllinghamPrebble House Leader, Alexandra Miller Deputy House Leader, Zane Shadbolt Deputy House Leader, Tainui: Sophie Hooper House Leader, William Kimber House Leader, Samuel Bowering Deputy House Leader, Lizzie Harvey Deputy House Leader, Rata: Grace Jones House Leader, Thomas Pohio House Leader, Hollie Carrington Deputy House Leader, Philip Kim Deputy House Leader, Miro: Finlay Keip House Leader, Jemma Kendon House Leader, Harrison Fulford Deputy House Leader, Imke Kitchin Deputy House Leader, Academic Committee: Mitchell Beserra Committee Leader, Imke Kitchin Committee Leader, Environmental Committee: Nina Blair Committee Leader, James Ford Committee Leader, Community Services Committee: Jonty Godfrey Committee Leader, Rebecca Jackson Committee Leader, Cultural Committee: Lizzie Harvey Committee Leader, Drew Olsen Committee Leader, Taiohi Tu Committee: Meihana Jennings Committee Leader, Lucy Kingi Committee Leader, SADD Committee: Siobhan Dodd Committee Leader, Jack Hulls Committee Leader, HNHS A Good Place 2B: Kara Billing Committee Leader, Stephanie Houghton Committee Leader, Imre Scheidegger Committee Leader, Sports Committee: Thomas Culham Committee Leader, Jenna Tidswell Committee Leader, International Committee: Yuto Kuki Committee Leader, Nesta Lade Committee Leader, Thomas Mackenzie Committee Leader, School Services Committee: Kendyll Miller Committee Leader, Marleen Slabbekoorn Committee Leader. Principal’s House Awards The following students are awarded a principal’s house award for an outstanding example to others in effort, reliability and participation in a range of house activities. Kauri House: Bridget Berry, Thomas Culham, Robert Curtis, Michael Houghton; Rata House: Kaitlin Allan, Nina Blair, Samuel Harris, Hamish Jackson, Meihana Jennings, Josh Lawson; Tainui House: Kate McKendrey, Marleen Slabbekoorn, Samantha Tait; Miro House: Mitchell Beserra, Jonty Godfrey, Arabella McArdle. Principal’s Sports Awards The following students are awarded a principal’s sports award for an outstanding contribution to the sporting life of the school, and for excellent sporting achievement and fair play. Thomas Culham for Hockey, Canoe Polo, Adventure Racing, Orienteering, Rogaining and leader of the Sports Committee, Kane Elms for New Zealand Under 19 Cross Country, Road Racing and Athletics, Imke Kitchin for Netball including member of the Aotearoa Maori Secondary School’s team, Thomas Mackenzie for New Zealand Under 21 Judo and Football, Trinity Mildenhall for Futsal, member of the 1st X1 Hockey team for four years, coach of a year 9 Hockey team and for her service on the Sports Committee. Principal’s Cultural Awards The following students are awarded a principal’s cultural award for an outstanding contribution to the cultural life of the school. Nick Batey for ShowQuest and his technical expertise in all areas of school life, Samuel Harris for Future Prospect, Colla Voce, Havelock Singers and Stage Band, Philip Kim for Colla Voce, Future Prospect, Havelock Singers and Stage Band, Emily Selfe for Colla Voce, Concert Band and Stage Band, Jude Snee for Colla Voce, Future Prospect and Havelock Singers, Oliver Taylor for Future Prospect, Havelock Singers and ShowQuest. Academic Awards There are two levels of award: prize in subject and distinction for a high placement in three subjects or more. Certificate of Distinction Jonty Godfrey: Distinction in drama, external English, media studies and external mathematics and statistics; Kayla Simpson: Distinction in biology, painting and external mathematics and statistics; Oscar Treadwell: Distinction in history, economics, physics and mathematics with calculus. 118