2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 104

S Show Quest Back Row: Makenzie Grove, Renee Thompson, Ruby Greatholder 4th Row: Hannah Millar, Keiryn Rowe, Amy Jenkins, William Ewart, Julian Tabat, Renee van der Meulen, Mili Kitiona, Pia McPhail 3rd Row: Jackson Parsons, Jeanette Steyn, Nick Batey, Oliver Taylor, Jasper Ross, Chris Jackman, Ethan Hedge, Kate Norris, Jade Hanham (Teacher) 2nd Row: Bella Boerboom, Jessica Williams, Alara Akkaya, Emily Brown, Abigail Macdonald, Maisie Moore, Henrietta Williams, Holleigh Beck Front Row: Caitlin Hedge, Poppy Kelly, Kaiya Read-Butcher, Charliot Miller, Amelia Slade, Grace Francois, Rosemary Yorke, Emily, Wright, Roksolana Tsyatsko Absent: Lola Kidd From Humble Beginnings to National Winnings along by efforts from an equally dedicated team of jazz, acro, and contemporary dancers, with Nick Batey’s behind- the-scenes videography, direction in lighting, and sound deserving special recognition. From humble beginnings to national winnings, Havelock North High School’s very own Showquest team is the latest in a long line of HNHS students to attain national recognition. Though a vast majority of HNHS showquest was steered by student direction, the efforts of a number of staff members cannot be understated in their contribution to the winning performance. The drama department’s own Mr Brebner and Mrs Hanham had a heavy, and much appreciated hand in both prop design and creation, whilst Mrs Hanham’s constant emotional and professional support quickly made her a backbone of the team. Mrs Hargreaves, as well as her daughter Kate, were equally fundamental to the team in their tireless contribution to HNHS Showquest’s award-winning wardrobe, and their indispensable support on performance day. Not only this, but Mrs Hargreaves organisation of the Showquest team’s finances was equally vital in the show’s success. The numerous victories HNHS would later go on to attain at both showquest competitions are, in part, thanks to the contribution of these staff members. The lengths in which they have gone to support the team are a source of tremendous appreciation from the students of HNHS Showquest, and the victories they subsequently helped to acquire serve only as a testimony of just how invaluable their contributions were. Having tirelessly and meticulously crafted a fully conceptualised, 10 minute performance piece they had worked on since the beginning of the year, the student- directed HNHS showquest team had big hopes and tingling nerves on the day of their August 31st performance. Being helmed by the ever-brilliant talents of student leaders Grace Francois, Charliot Miller and Amelia Slade, the team were unsurprisingly ecstatic with their successes. HNHS’s showquest performance, titled, “Join the Circus” told the story of a girl who quickly finds herself entrenched in the beautiful, but sometimes sinister world of social media, upon being gifted her first phone. The overarching allegory of “the circus”, starring performers Chris Jackman, Caitlin Hedge, and Julian Tabat helped to tell an enthralling tale of the seductive and addictive world of social media, hoping to convey to their audience the hidden dangers that this unsupervised, and unrestricted environment, can provide. Being no easy task, these performers were helped 104