2018 HNHS School Magazine HNHS Magazine 2018 | Page 103

After School Drama Back Row: 3rd Row: 2nd Row: Front Row: Absent: Hannah Millar, Renee Thompson, Courtney Hall Hansen, Pia McPhail Bella Boerboom, Caitlin Hedge, Poppy Kelly, Jackson Parsons, Emily Wright, Oscar Campbell, Roksolana Tsyatsko Zoe Adams, Myla Groombridge, Connor Grant, Ashton Howard, Lola Kidd, Amy Jenkins, Jade Hanham (Teacher) Holleigh Beck, Aysha Vossen-Chong, Nina Curran, Emily Brown, Kaiya Read-Butcher, Caitlin Leeuw, Halle Steedman Matt Brebner (Teacher) After School Drama in the Spotlight Over the past year in after-school drama, a group of my year 10 classmates and friends have been working hard with the year 9s to improve our drama skills and knowledge under the guidance of Mr Brebner and Mrs. Hanham. As year 10s we have been taking on leadership in the group by conducting games with the year 9’s that focus on developing the techniques required to become more effective actors. As a part of the work that we have been doing in the after- school drama, we have also been working towards an annual competition that is taking place at the end of the year called Improv Battles. This is where junior students from high schools from all over the Hawkes Bay come together and compete at improvisation games, which all focus on different drama conventions and skills. We are all very excited about being a part of the competition again and it is always a highlight of the year. Overall, it was a fantastic year for our after-school drama team, and we have had lots of fun getting to know each other and learning all about how we can become better at drama, both individually, and as a group. I personally have learnt so much from how I work with my peers while performing and how drama can help you grow as a person both inside and outside of school. By Caitlin Hedge 103