2017 Racial Profiling Report 2017 Racial Profiling Report | Page 67

414.00 RACIAL/BIAS-BASED PROFILING d. Every motor vehicle or subject stop must be cleared with an appropriate disposition sequence. The clearance code sequence captures data in the following categories of information: • race • gender; • reason for stop; • final outcome; • resident status; • whether a search was conducted; • search type, if applicable; • contraband description, if applicable; and • use of force. e. For motor vehicle stops, the officer is required to collect the information only on the driver; passenger information is not required. f. For subject stops, the officer must collect the information on each subject stopped. For example, if 3 individuals are questioned on a subject stop, then there should be three calls opened and closed using the clearance code sequence. g. Officers shall use their observations skills, training and experience to identify the characteristics of race and gender. Officers are prohibited from asking subjects to identify their own race and gender. h. The codes are listed in G.O. 414.00 Appendix A. i. If a motor vehicle or subject stop is opened in error, the officer shall close the call with Disposition 7 or use the “Cancel Call” button. The officer is not authorized to change a traffic stop/subject stop to another call type. The officer is not authorized to change any other call type to a traffic stop/subject stop. j. The appropriate disposition code must be entered into the CAD clearance tab. Officers working without an MDC shall notify dispatch of the disposition by radio in the exact sequence as listed in G.O. 414.00 Appendix A. k. It is important that the clearance of the call be recorded separately from any other police activity: 1) If the motor vehicle or subject stop results in any additional police action (such as an arrest), an additional separate call must be initiated and cleared independent of the motor vehicle or subject stop call. 2) Whenever a second call is initiated, the officer must connect the two incidents by either listing the motor vehicle or subject stop call number in the “MI” comment area of the second call, or asking dispatch to cross-reference the calls. 3) The officer should clear the motor vehicle or subject stop call as soon as reasonably possible in order for all new information to be connected to the correct new call. l. Special Circumstances 1) A vehicle overtaking or pursuit in which the vehicle is not ultimately stopped does not qualify as a “motor vehicle stop” for the purposes of this policy. 2) An officer who attempts to stop a motor vehicle for a traffic violation and the vehicle evades, call-type TSTOP should not be used. The officer shall cut a call- type that best describes the offense related to the fleeing vehicle. If a TSTOP call