2017 Concert Series St. John Passion | Page 10

Der doch auf ein’ ernsten Blick Bitterlichen weinet. Jesu, blicke mich auch an, Wenn ich nicht will büßen; Wenn ich Böses hab getan, Rühre mein Gewissen! who yet after a serious glance wept bitterly. Jesus, look upon me also, when I will not repent; when I have done evil, stir my conscience! PART TWO The chorale that opens the second part is a broad statement of faith by Christ’s followers and believers. It leads into the crucial episode of the trial before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Emperor’s Prefect (or Procurator) of the province of Judea. The baying of the crowd is heard in chromatically unsettled cries, and Pilate’s responses seem lacklustre and unvaried — almost as though he were unable to understand the crowd’s furious insistence on a judgement of guilt, and the death sentence.. 15. Choral Christus, der uns selig macht, Kein Bös’ hat begangen, Der ward für uns in der Nacht Als ein Dieb gefangen, Geführt für gottlose Leut Und fälschlich verklaget, Verlacht, verhöhnt und verspeit, Wie denn die Schrift saget. 15. Chorale Christ, who makes us blessed, committed no evil deed, for us He was taken in the night like a thief, led before godless people and falsely accused, scorned, shamed, and spat upon, as the Scripture says. 16. Evangelist Da führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor das Richthaus, und es war frühe. Und sie gingen nicht in das Richthaus, auf daß sie nicht unrein würden, sondern Ostern essen möchten. Da ging Pilatus zu ihnen heraus und sprach: 16. Evangelist Then they led Jesus to Caiaphas in front of the judgment hall, and it was early. And they did not go into the judgment hall, so that they would not become unclean for the feast of the Passover. Pilate came outside to them and said: Pilatus Wa