2017-18 CPA Report on Giving 2017-18 CPA Report on Giving | Page 11

PLANNED GIVING 2017-18 MAKE A PLANNED GIFT CPA PLANNED GIVING – MAKE A LASTING IMPACT As you plan for your future, consider planning for future students at CPA. Through the simplicity of planned giving, you can make a significant impact that lasts. Gifts to the CPA Endowment made through estate planning help ensure a Christ Presbyterian Academy education for generations to come. A number of gift planning opportunities are available to meet your charitable and estate-planning needs. These options include: . BEQUESTS . DONOR ADVISED FUNDS . WILLS AND LIVING TRUSTS . ENDOWED GIFTS . BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS  . GIFTS OF RETIREMENT PLAN ASSETS . CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES  . GIFTS OF LIFE INSURANCE . CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS . . CHARITABLE LEAD TRUSTS GIFTS OF REAL ESTATE AND TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY If you have already designated CPA as a beneficiary in your planned giving, or you are interested in learning more, please contact the CPA Development Office. 20 1 7- 1 8 C PA R E P O R T O N G I V I N G | 1 1