2017-18 CPA Report on Giving 2017-18 CPA Report on Giving | Page 12

2017-18 21ST ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC SPONSORS 22nd Annual Golf Classic The 22nd Annual CPA Golf Classic presented by Franklin American Mortgage Company took place on September 25, 2017 at Old Natchez Country Club, and it was a huge success! With two shotguns, 219 Players, 48 sponsors, and 19 gift-in-kind donors, we raised $103,700 to benefit academics, arts, and athletics at the Academy through the CPA Annual Fund last year. For a recap of the 23rd Annual Golf Classic, visit cpalions.org/golfclassic. 48 SPON SOR S 12 219 | C H R I S T P R E S BY T E R I A N A C A D E M Y P LAYER S 19 GIF T-IN-KIND SPO N SO R S $103,700 RAI SED IN 2 0 17-1 8