2017-18 CPA Report on Giving 2017-18 CPA Report on Giving | Page 10

2017-18 ENDOWMENT BUILDING OUR ENDOWMENT TODAY SUSTAINS THE MISSION OF THE ACADEMY FOR TOMORROW E ND OWME NT FUND $1,097,865 ANYONE C AN GIVE HOW TO GIVE TO THE ENDOWMENT . Make a gift to the general endowment, or one of our named funds . Two named funds within the CPA Endowment are: GUTHRIE FUND Description: CPA enjoys an ongoing commitment to cultivating a diverse learning community that desires to teach covenant children in ways that cultivate each child’s level of ability and set of strengths. The Learning Services Department works to maximize the academic growth of CPA students in grades K-12 with diagnosed learning disabilities and other issues that significantly impact learning. Purpose: The fund was established by David and Nancy Guthrie for the purpose of supplementing the Learning Services Department with any additional needs they may have to better enable them to meet specific student needs. JAMES 1:27 SCHOLARSHIP FUND The endowment, like a savings account or other financial assets, generates income through strategic investment of the principal. A strong and growing endowment provides long-term sustainability and affordability. Income generated from endowment investments assists the general operating budget and supports financial aid, faculty salaries and benefits, and more, while keeping tuition increases manageable. INCREASING CHRIST PRESBYTERIAN ACADEMY’S ENDOWMENT IS A CRITICAL FINANCIAL OBJECTIVE OF THE SCHOOL. 10 | C H R I S T P R E S BY T E R I A N A C A D E M Y Description: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27) Purpose: The fund was established by an anonymous donor who had a life-changing experience during his childhood where someone provided for his education when he was unable to pay. In turn, the donor established the scholarship, to be a blessing to others by providing an endowed scholarship for Christ Presbyterian Academy.