WVUSD: 2014-2015 Year-End Results
Student Achievement (continued)
Future Focus
PD to supporting shifts/transactions
o Future Leaders
New Resources
o Textbooks (New Adoptions)
o Technology
Lower Class $ize (K-12)
CTE – Establish all classes to complete Pathway
Expand focus on career readiness
Academic Curiosity
o Free to explore other academic avenues
o Outside A-G requirements
Social/Emotional Intelligence
New ELD Standards
STEAM (especially art)
Create a support position for I-20 students
Increase the conversation, within the community, about promoting student balance
District Instructional Coaches (language arts and math)
Create a balance for student wellness – well rounded students
Remain focused on reducing the achievement gap
Training/resources to implement STEAM * PLTW at elementary
Additional tech support at the school site III MS 3rd SSRA
Reduce the discipline gap
Additional mobile devices to enhance technology
Increase access to rigorous courses
NGSS – Project Lead The Way*, support, resources, training, adding additional
elementary sites
Behavioral specialist at elementary level*
Increase collaboration childcare and elementary teachers and admin
Increase CTE options
TK to all four year olds
Focus on ELD/ELA framework
Develop true ELD
Math-focus on mathematical practices
ELD standards
Walnut Valley Unified School District